Beating out of the Bay


Beating out of the Bay


This painting is inspired by the view from a wonderful and entirely empty beach looking back towards Jolly Harbour in Antigua. We could see it from a distance through the binoculars, but didn’t realise until we got there how easy it was going to be to haul the dinghy out of the water. We came back later with a BBQ and watched other yachts leave for their next adventure.

Sometimes, watching other people strike out into the unknown is enough adventure for one day. Sometimes, it’s your turn to hoist your sails and set your course for the horizon.

12.5cm x 12.5cm, oil on cradled board, unframed

This board sailed on Cesarina from Ramsgate in 2021, down the coast of France, Spain and Portugal, to the Canaries and then the Cape Verdes and across the Atlantic. It visited Grenada and almost every island on the way up to Antigua where it crossed the Atlantic again the other way and arrived safe and sound in Southampton. I have used them for this collection because I know that they are themselves imbued with the spirit of freedom and infinite possibility.

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