Sunrise over Buckport, South Carolina


Sunrise over Buckport, South Carolina


This beautiful image and story were sent to me by a sailor called Cassie:

“This is in Bucksport, SC. It is in the absolute middle of nowhere. 😂 But this beautiful sunrise was much needed.

As I'm sure all full time liveaboards know, we can't run from our inner stuff. Living on a boat, a small one at that, you can't hide. Faith gets tested. Loneliness creeps in. We question
everything...sometimes our own sanity.

This last week, in particular, I've felt the weight of the world (and myself) on my chest and have felt as though I'm just gasping for air. But, this morning, upon sitting and watching the sky change, the smoke on the water move and shift, I could feel the weight lifting off. I remembered I am not in control of everyone and everything but also that I am not alone. There is beauty out there.

There is a great big universe that I can't see and more majesty than I can even imagine. And I breathed. I breathed the deepest breath and released all that had been holding me. I reconnected to love in this moment and began the healing process.”

Oil on canvas, 10cm x 15cm


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