Memories of Pacific sailing adventures...

Excerpt from my diary, February 2017.

“And then, every so often, a person comes into your life; makes easy, confident way against the current and pushes the clouds that you had barely noticed were there apart with his big, strong, kind hands and lets the sunlight flood in. And you realise that your life is being held, rescued, breathless in front of you - a bedraggled puppy, fur matted, untouched and unloved. And all you want, desperately, is to be held close.”

My (now) husband. Can you believe that we set sail together, double-handed, across the Pacific less than 2 months after meeting each other for the first time and having never sailed together? Cesarina is no dinghy either - at 55’ long, she is nearly 30 tonnes of classic, unmodified, unrelenting and super-exposed sailing. I fell in love with her before I even met the man who owned her…

Anyway, I’ll share more in due course. In the meantime, I just wanted to say that I’m posting pictures from the Postcards from the Tropics collection slowly during July and I will be offering prints of these paintings too in due course.

I hope you like them!

Emma x